Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sleepless in Flagstaff...

My daughter Charlotte was sick all week with an ear infection from a yucky cold that was punctuated by ectoplasm sneezes and lots of difficulty breathing. When she gets sick like this my wife Amy soothes her to sleep. When it's my turn I often resort to driving her around town. Something about riding next to me in the front seat of a truck with a quarter million miles on the clock seems to help her get to her happy land of dreams.
It was 3 a.m. and I was driving up San Francisco Street when I glanced through the window of the Mad I and saw this girl dozing in a booth waiting for a ride home. The image of her resting against the bench seemed such a poetic reflection of my weary drive through the town I love with my own tired girl. I grabbed a camera, shot a few frames and meandered home through the empty streets.
I'm thinking that this will be the first image of a new personal project.

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